Why Setting Healthy Boundaries as a Fresher Will Set You Up For Life

Saptashi Bhowmik
3 min readMar 12, 2022


Joining the workplace as a fresher can be daunting. It feels like we are straight away put in season 3 of an ongoing TV show with the cast marching left and right while we stand in the middle clueless (quick meme reference :p).

Then there is the inner voice questioning our capabilities. “Are you going to make it?” “Should you speak?” And when we do speak, it goes like, “Do you even make sense now?” A plethora of questions come in and bam! We are unaware of how to cope with the existing environment.

While it is natural to try to fit in and adjust to the needs of the workplace in such situations, you do it so often that you fall prey to exploitation.

How do you overcome it? Or, how do you avoid it altogether?

As it turns out, maintaining healthy boundaries and having a high sense of self-worth is the key to avoiding exploitation. You get brownie points for the persona you create as you have them too!

Let’s dive deeper to know why. :)

1. Boundaries set your tone right.

First impressions last. When you take charge of your peers’ perception of you, you’re more in control of your results. Creating the right trajectory for your career helps you establish expectations with your colleagues about what to expect from you on the job.

And, doesn’t clear communication and better outcomes go hand in hand? :)

As an employee, you start with a clean slate. What you fill it with depends on you. Either you take charge of filling it, or others will fill it for you.

2. Work-life Balance isn’t a myth anymore.

Having firm boundaries means you learn not to pile up your work by letting anyone add more to them. This way, your workload stays within your limits — it’s the meaningful work you engage in.

Now you have more time, thanks to boundaries!

3. Productivity Boost from Sense of Fulfillment.

What we look for in a job, in the long run, is fulfillment.

Fulfillment comes from being respected for your work and time. It’s an emotional incentive that influences and magnifies your quality of work. As a result, adding value to your work is only natural when you feel valued. Productivity is consequently enhanced. :)

4. An Answer to — “Who are you outside of your work?”

With all the time you save from having boundaries, you can invest in yourself and your family. You can finally go to that dance class you wanted to, have a game night with your friends, work on your side hustle. Now you know the answer to, “What do you do for fun out of work?”.

Final words:

Adam Grant says,

“Boundaries encourage us to have dedicated work time and dedicated time to recharge.”

As anxious as you might be in your new job, you are allowed to think for yourself too. :)

Picture Source: VectorStock



Saptashi Bhowmik
Saptashi Bhowmik

Written by Saptashi Bhowmik

Content Marketer. Writing for Kraftshala, an Ed-tech Brand. In my free time, I obsess over psychology and songs. :)

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